I asked my team of guides for a topic to write about, then waited.

In my mind’s eye, I saw a critter. It had long chicken legs, a poofy body, sharp teeth and a twinkle in its eyes. It was orange and brown and reminded me of the Muppet’s™ drummer Animal in the color and texture of its “fur”. It was more comical than scary or weird. His name was “Mathis” and his energy felt similar to that of a friendly, smart and engaging dog. I laughed and said he looked alien.

I next felt a sensation of someone rummaging in my memories. I had a picture in my mind’s eye of Mathis diving head first into my memories and rooting around. With a muffled groan growl, his head popped back up with one of my memories held between his teeth. He spit it out in front of me and looked at me much like our dogs used to when they retrieved a toy and brought it back to me – pleased with themselves and expecting a positive response and interaction from me.

I laughed again and picked up the memory. It was a memory of my alien friend from childhood. Her (she presented androgynous, but had a nurturing energy – so as a child, I thought of this being as a female) body was shaped like the well depicted Greys, except she was a beautiful iridescent green and a very gentle being.

She was the one who greeted me when I was going to visit them. She guided and taught me. I was never scared or felt mistreated. I always felt love, respect and, curiously, gratitude from her. I didn’t understand the gratitude until I was an adult and had some time under my belt.

I set the memory down and looked over to the critter. “I’ve already shared this memory.”

Mathis nudged the memory, moving it closer to me.

Okay, then.

Here’s what I shared in my (retired) class booklet Undefined Reality: Advanced Exploration of Extra-Sensory Gifts:

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My first memory of Rutha was when I was around pre-school or kindergarten age. I remember already knowing her, perhaps from my infancy, and was in the basement/play room and Rutha was showing me how to juggle marbles with my mind (a skill I seem to have lost along the way). I sense I spent a lot of time with her as a child, but the specifics escape me.

As I grew, Rutha was a mere shadow in vaguely remembered dreams – easily forgotten with the rising of the sun; but when I entered my teenage years, it became a whole new story.

I often had dreams of a bright light flooding my bedroom at night – which annoyed and excited me. I knew my sleep would be interrupted, so I was going to be groggy the following day. However, I was excited because I always enjoyed my “trips” (not that I always remembered what had transpired!).

Gradually, I was allowed to remember bits and pieces – a snippet here and there – of the previous night. This continued to increase until one morning I was able to remember nearly the whole trip. I was so excited. I felt like so many of the puzzle pieces were finally beginning to fit.

Rutha is an alien – and I am using the term loosely. She has an iridescent green colored skin, and yes, the traditional large black eyes. I call Rutha “she” and “her”, though Rutha is androgynous. Communicating with Rutha, and the others, is done telepathically.

An example of a visit with Rutha follows:

I was with Rutha on what I later termed the Mother Ship because of its larger size. I was pleased to see her and she said that I was to be shown things so I would understand better. We moved with a sensation of gliding to a wide hallway. Benches were lined along both walls of the hallway. On these benches sat humans who appeared to be clueless of their surroundings, as if their minds were “on-hold”.

From there, Rutha led me into a large room with tables. Humans lay on each table, and a team of aliens surrounded each table. There were no horrific machines delving into the humans. As Rutha stood in the entryway, I walked around the room. I saw human females and males of different ages and skin colors. Every so often, I would stop at a table and ask a team what they were doing.

On one table was a slender healthy, looking young woman. I inquired about her and was told she was here for a health exam. I asked them what type of health exam? They showed me that cancer runs in her family, and though they were unable to stop the diseases’ growth in her mother, they are trying to make sure that it does not have a chance to grow in this young lady.

That’s how it was throughout the room, health exams and in a lot of cases, healings. No one was treated disrespectfully.

Next, Rutha brought me to what appeared to be a large arboretum. It had beautiful green plants and a little creek running through it, and benches were scattered throughout. I had the feeling I had spent a lot of time here. Rutha and I chose a bench by the water and sat, enjoying our surroundings. As I took in the scenery, I realized that there were others in the arboretum.

I stood up and then walked around. I noticed small animals – of which I’ve no earthly comparison – and then saw smaller aliens. Rutha confirmed these were children. The children did not seem frightened of my presence; it all seemed perfectly natural.

I don’t remember much after seeing the children. I awoke the next morning in my bed.

I see Rutha as a confidant, teacher and friend. I have worked with her over many years.

Undefined Reality: Advanced Exploration of Extra-Sensory Gifts

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As I mentioned in The Others, not all interactions with those not of this planet or dimension were, or are, negative. There are some pretty cool beings – and many who are supportive for the betterment of all, not just themselves.

I’m not sure why Mathis recommended re-sharing, but I hope it helps.

By Jan Toomer


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