I like the movie “Wizard of Oz”, especially when the curtain was pulled aside and revealed that the wizard was not so big and mighty; he wasn’t at all as the illusion portrayed.

During our growth process, as we heal our pasts and take responsibility for our own life, we are beginning to see even more behind the formerly mass accepted 3D illusion of reality – except in this case, the real overall truth is so much better than the illusions.

We continue to peel away illusions around us, in so many different aspects of our reality. For example, we’ve begun to delve behind the pretty curtain of the large conglomerate businesses, seeing the not so positive side of what really goes on behind the scenes or curtain.

And then there’s self. Truths we accepted from others or we fooled ourselves into believing are being revealed.

Some find this process to be a relief; relieved that they no longer feel the need to lug around the now ill-fitting illusion.

Others may be temporarily out of sorts, disappointed or feel adrift after the loss of an illusion they treasured for so long.

As the unveiling, revealing and/or dismantling of 3D illusions occurs or continues, one may also find themselves angry, sad, and/or go through the grieving process.

It’s also during this revealing that we learn about listening more to ourselves and trusting self.

After an illusion is exposed and a false truth is laid to rest, one may ask, “Well, what is the truth now?”

To me this is the most exciting part – exploring to discover your truth! What truth hides behind your curtain? See behind the illusion.

by Jan Toomer


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