Changes 101

We are an adaptive species (I am not talking about consuming GMO’s, radiation contaminated foods, and the assorted unhealthy creations) – so, let’s talk Changes 101. We have, once again, entered another energy shift (which has me a bit hyper today) and we all know...

An Illusion

As I watch, I see my third dimensional world crumbling around me. Many deaths Severed connections Distancing friends I feel alone; I feel lonely I panic in the Silence around me. I grieve the loss of my third dimensional world. Within, I see such bright beauty...

Multi-Tasking in my Sleep

Things are happening so fast. In the past, experiences of the paranormal would happen occasionally, but now, it seems like every person that I am in contact with, whether it be a close friend or the local cashier, something “booga booga” happens. Wow, what...
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