Dragon Song – A Call to Mythological

by Peter Perkins An excellent article was written by Andrew Gubb on Indigo’s recently. There are a great many groups out there who exhibit certain characteristics. Many are believed to be here to serve a purpose. Some are to help others and show them the way...

Awakening to Ascension

by Peter Perkins First I want to start out with the concept that life is a waking dream. I know it may be a term you are familiar with. Some major religions have the same idea that life is but a dream or an illusion. The world around us is like a projection letting us...

Forgiveness Workshop Experience

by Peter Perkins This past Saturday February the 13th I was able to attend a Forgiveness Work Shop instructed by Linda Aragon. In addition to her teaching at DACC, she also runs a local A.R.E group here in Las Cruces. If you have never heard of A.R.E., you’re...

Overcoming Fear

by Peter Perkins Fear is one of the emotions that hold us back from many of the wondrous things that we can accomplish in our lives, as individuals and societies. Fear is not something that comes with us when we come into this world. How many times do we speak of...

I Can See

by Peter Perkins This morning I woke up and got ready for the day. It was like any other day until a condition that occurs rarely happened. When it is very dry out, as it has been for a few days now, I can have a piece of dry skin fall into one of my eyes. When this...
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