
We’ve recently had a rash of electronic mishaps; computer, land line phones, internet connectivity, etc. going wonky. Mercury Retrograde? I love reading my astrological forecasts, but just about anything else regarding astrology loses me, except Mercury going...

Multiple Questions

Your Meta-Question Q. I have had these feelings since I was younger and it scares me to know that I might be connected to the dead somehow. I sense things suddenly don’t feel alone when I know that I am. Dark black spots what I think is a fly flying around!...

All That Confusion

by Jan Toomer Conflicting Thoughts, Words and Actions From Others This has been a theme for a while, but is really hitting home to many of us now. Someone tells you something, only to say something the next hour/day/week that conflicts with what they had originally...

Fear to Focus

by Jan Toomer For well over 25 years I have taught/encouraged people to shield. I continue to recommend the shielding exercise (or a protection technique) daily. Shielding helps keep us from absorbing others energies; aids in deflecting negative energy sent our way...
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