We’ve been manifesting for our individual realities for quite a while – some even doing so consciously. This is the next step – to manifest consciously as we go along.

If you’re having troubles with this concept, one way to look at it is…there is no tomorrow. The whole thing of linear time being an illusion aside, since we’re in our “creating my reality” with our thoughts, actions and words, what we do, think and say today (aka now) is creating our individual “tomorrow”.

If you’re dreading your tomorrow, you are mandating that you want stuff to dread tomorrow. The universe must comply and bring you opportunities to dread.

If you are living now, and watching what you put out energetically so that it is positive, you are creating that tomorrow.

It’s not all rainbows when you’re working to create a positive tomorrow, but it certainly helps for when you encounter a curve ball – aka learning opportunity – in life.

But did you know that your creating doesn’t stop with your own reality? Because of us still sharing a mass accepted reality, it goes much further than just your own reality.

What you put out (again, thoughts, words, action), if negative or self-defeating, also fuels negative stuff going on in your area, state, nation and globe. So, too, can your positive energy output affect up to a global scale; it can take some of the fire out of any negativity around the world.

Don’t believe me? Challenge time!

Start with your home and/or work environment. Keeping positive energy can affect those around you. It may take some practice at first so that your physical self, and the physical selves of those around you, realize you’re going to maintain positivity and not fall into the negative drama roles.

If that is too large for you right now, that’s okay. You can start with self. Before your feet hit the floor in the morning, bring a challenge to your brain. “Thank you for this day and all that it entails. What wonderful experiences will I have today?”

By posing a question, your brain (aka monkey mind or ego self) has been given a task and now has to observe the day and see what the wonderful experiences will be – large or small; mundane or fantastical. The goal is to find the wonders of the day.

Challenge accepted?

I’d love to hear how your challenge is going.

By Jan Toomer


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