The frail older woman’s voice quivered, not from her advanced age, but rather her fear, as she told me, “I’ve wanted to die for well over fifteen years now, but I’m afraid.”

“You’re afraid of dying?” I asked.

“No. I’m afraid that I’ll have to see my husband again, and I don’t want to.”

My brows crinkled in confusion. “Why are you afraid you’ll see your husband?”

Her hands grasped and twisted her blanket. “He wasn’t a nice man at all. And I was glad when he died. Now God is going to punish me for being glad. And, I’ll have to see my husband again.”

“Oh. Let’s talk. First, would it make you feel better to know that you daughter is standing nearby, ready to greet you when you release your physical body?”

Tears built in her eyes as she whispered, “Oh, yes. I do miss her.”

I continued, “And will it make you feel better to know that you won’t have to see your husband if, or until, you are ready to see him?”

Not sure of what was coming next, her eyes widened like a child listening to a story. She nodded her head.

“Okay. Now, this may be a controversial topic to many, but, as I understand it…” I lifted my pointer finger, “…you can enter the Light and cross over. You’ll get to reunite with loved ones on the Other Side.”

I lifted a second finger. “You can stay earthbound. This means you’re still here, but without a body, and not many people will be able to interact with you. This is what many people call ghosts.”

She frowned.

I lifted a third finger. “Or you can go into the dark. I’ve only brushed up against it and don’t recommend it.”

She shook her head. “I want the first one.”

“Great! Now that’s decided, let’s talk about punishments.”

Her hands fussed more with the blanket.

“There is only one being who will judge you for this life when you cross over, and that will be you. No bearded man on a throne, no scales, no councils. You. You will review your life objectively and make decisions on how to rebalance any imbalances. You. You are responsible for you. You can ask for guidance and input, but the ultimate decision is yours. Do you understand?”

She nodded.

“Any questions?”

She sat up a little straighter. “Yes. How do you know this?”

“Because I’ve been able to speak to the deceased since I was born. I’ve spoken to those who have crossed over; to those who were earthbound; and a few who chose the dark. I felt the truth in their interpretations of their experiences.

“I believe we do not cease to exist when our body dies; that death is nothing more than another step in our soul’s journey.”

She spent the next month saying her good-byes and died peacefully in her sleep.

Then she began her next adventure.


A Free Online Course

Life Before, During and After Being a Human
This course shares my perceptions and my understanding of human’s pre-life, life, death, and crossing over as I have seen and learned from communicating with those on the other side.

By Jan Toomer


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