I’m proud to be an American, but I don’t see much of America alive today.

Service members are supposed to receive health care until their death. That was part of the deal when they signed up to protect our country. But benefits are being skewed, unfunded or dropped all together. Many retired service members are being ignored, mistreated or punished for having served their country. Our country. America.

When did you stop noticing the changes?

The Frog in the Pot Story

If a frog is dumped into a pot of boiling water, it will jump out. But, if the frog is put in lukewarm water, which is then slowly brought to a boil, it will not sense the danger and will be cooked to death.

Americans have become the frog in the pot.

When Did…

When did one religious belief system be banned from public schools, only for another one to be forced into the schools be allowable?

When did the homeless epidemic become okay?

When did respect and manners fall to the wayside?

When did treating humans and animals as garbage become acceptable?

When did hating and attacking one another replace standing tall and being supportive of one another?

When did total disregard for our sky, land, water, animals and each other be fine?

When did clean water and real, healthy food become a privilege and not a Right?

When did our health become lost to greed for money and that it became agreeable?

When did it become okay for this country to be run by the politicians, for the politicians, and not the people?

When did the removing of our Rights be all right?

We are all being conditioned to accept a horrific new normal.

I AM not okay with this. Are you?

I know that it isn’t all negative and America hasn’t been perfect, but the infighting within our own country is distracting us from what we are being stripped of. The energy of America is not healthy.

When did you stop noticing that this isn’t America anymore? We shouldn’t be okay with this.

We are the frog in the pot and the water temperature has slowly been turned up. It’s not too late though. It’s time we – including you – stood up to take action and have our Rights re-instated. America is dying and it needs ALL of us to revive it.

We are all Americans. It’s time to start acting like it.


Bill of Rights Transcript

The Constitution of the United States

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Jan Toomer


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