An old green manual typewriting with paper installed that reads "Update"Energy Update – February 5, 2024

~ More of the Same, But Possibly Stronger ~

Yep, February is still pushing us forward, and the energies presented us are even stronger.

Yesterday and today, I have been having the feeling of energy building up again, just like we felt in January. These are the incoming energies to aid us as well as us feeling the tension, angst, fears, anger, etc. from those in the world living in fear and projecting their fears.

I spent my morning contemplations (meditation) sending calming and healing energy to the world for those who wish to accept it. But, I am still feeling a bit of anxiousness from out there in the world.

Let’s Talk Dimension Energies

Let’s use a graduated scale for this part. We all are pretty well versed in 3rd Dimension energies and most of us can’t handle that energy anymore.

But what about 4th Dimension energy? Yeah, we spent some time there. But it’s not 3, 4 and 5 Dimensions – there are graduated energies within each. For example, in 3rd Dimension, you have those strictly in survival existence, followed by (simplified):

  •  Those that are in survival mode yet have a knowing that it doesn’t have to be this way.
  •  Those who not only know that it doesn’t have to be that way, but are actively reading and searching to find out how to change it.
  •  Those who are actively working on changing their perspectives and nearing 4th dimension.

The same goes for each dimension – you have graduated energies within each one. So chances are many of you are now being chaffed by the 4th Dimension energies and may discover that you are currently residing somewhere within 5th or maybe 6th or higher.

So the higher we go energetically, the more we feel and the less tolerance we have for the drama, wars, manipulations…all the heavier stuff. We’ve become even more sensitive, which is why the lower energies others are working through are rough on us. And we have a deep yearning for a soul level peace for every being, including Mother Earth.

Because of our constant moving back and forth (as needed) between energies that are lower than ours (to aid or interact with them), our shielding techniques (if you use them) may need to be changed to reflect it.

For example, when I ground, I do not specify the energy in which I am grounding. Rather, “I ask that I be grounded in the highest and holiest frequency that I am able to handle and is safe for me.”

The frequency can change not only daily, but for some interacting with other frequencies, it may be higher or lower several times a day (which can be physical tiring).

But grounding is still essential for us; it helps to keep us balanced and functional – not so overwhelmed by sensing (observe, don’t absorb) the energies out in the world.


Please stay hydrated, grounded (and/or shielded), offer self some quality down time and self-care time. And keep moving up and forward!

By Jan Toomer


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