You ache with loneliness
You act of out frustration
You cry out for help.

I walk with you always
I work to soothe you
I am here to aid you.

Your guilt weighs on you
Your fear deafens you
Your grief numbs you.

I lift you up
I speak to you
I guide you.

Your societal indoctrination disconnects you.

I cut the tethers you accepted from society.

You say you’re lost and adrift.

I say you’re now free to go where you want.

You search outside of yourself

But I Am within you – and have been with you always.

I Am your higher self – seek me within yourself…

For we are One.

* * *

As most of you know, my articles are mostly either suggested by my team or channeled completely.

The team can guide me with a topic or sentence; provide a mental visual of a scenario to show me what they wish to discuss or share; or, like with “News & Views From the Other Side”, they provide detailed visualizations and/or dictate the feelings/words.

Today’s was a bit different, because it was more an a team of higher selves brought together to represent our higher selves who wish us to know they are with us – always.

Who or What Is A Higher Self?

The higher self is you…well the part of you not mired down with a physical body and connected to human emotions.

The higher self retains the bigger picture: why you took on this life (and other lives); what you want to accomplish physically and spiritually in this lifetime; and can help in guiding you. The higher self can work through, or with your team and can work with you directly…if you go within and make that connection.

Your higher self wants you to know:

Everything you’ve been looking for outside of yourself can be found within your own self.

Remember, we are One.


Channeled by Jan Toomer



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