~ Energy Changes ~ Energy Work ~

Q. Have you noticed any changes to the energy in your energy work?

A. Yes I have. The changes were becoming more consciously recognized and physically seen, earth-wide, in 2017 – and we are currently going through more energy changes.

I feel that so far the energy has intensified / become stronger again in just the last few months.

I also want to say that energy workers / healers have a choice – either stay in the energy they are comfortable with and/or have used for quite a while, or adapt to the newer, faster vibration energies. I’m not saying one is better than another; multiple vibrations are needed to accommodate the variety of frequencies in the world.

Q. What has the newest energies made available to us?

A. I feel the possibilities are only limited by one’s own thoughts.

I’ve noticed for some that it is enabling us to work with multiple dimensions and/or frequencies at one time.

For me, it was tiring the first few times I worked with four or more different energy healing frequencies at the same time; but, like most anything else, practice builds up stamina and I no longer get so tired.

Some are also now more proficient at opening, holding, and consciously working in multiple dimensions at one time.

Q. Where is all of this leading us?

A. It’s not leading us anywhere. Each individual decides what s/he will try, create or expand. It’s the individual that is leading itself.

We are the creators of the new and we are either creating now, or remaining where one feels comfy. Those creating are learning through experimenting, trying and expanding and then sharing what they had learned.

by Jan Toomer


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