~  Portal ~

Q. What is a portal?

A. A portal (aka doorway, wormhole, vortex), for the purposes of this article, is an opening or doorway from another dimension or plane to ours. This, depending on where the other end of the portal is located, can allow earthbounds (ghosts) to travel from one location to another – or – allow beings from “other” places to come here.

Q. I watch several paranormal or ghost shows on TV, and they all seem to find portals located in closets, dark basements, or attics. Why?

A. Closets, dark basements and attics usually have at least one thing in common: lack of constant movement; energy stagnation. Though portals are not limited to those kind of places, they may be where one most often can find portals. Those are safe places to open portals – less likely to be disturbed or found by those living on our dimension or plane (us, humans).

Q. How are portals made?

A. Portals can be made, on our side, often by accident, ignorance or greed. Unfortunately, spirit board usage is a biggie (also known as talking boards or Ouija™ boards).  Even though they are portrayed that way, these are not games!

Portals should not be opened by someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing. You may miss your deceased mom or grandfather and want to talk to them one last time, but trust me, this is not the way. You’re opening a doorway from here to…you’ve no idea where. There are opportunistic negative beings who have no problem coming through, lying to you (pretending to be you deceased loved one), or worse.

Q. Can portals be closed?

A. Yes. But it takes someone who has experience and/or training in closing them to do so. Anyone who doesn’t have experience can end up making the doorway bigger (letting more of who knows what into our realm) and/or ticking off the entities who are using it by botching an attempt to close it.

Ghosts or Spirits

By Jan Toomer


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