~ Earth Regulars, Aliens, and Soul Purpose ~

Q. Are aliens/other world beings going to save our planet?

A. No. We made these messes…we clean them up.

Remember, we have moved into 100% responsibility. That doesn’t mean 100% responsibility for only your immediate surroundings. It means 100% responsibility for your reality…all of it. Do you see pollution? Do you have amoral or corrupt politicians? Do you see racism? You are 100% responsible.

Now I know that what I just wrote is going to tick some people off…so be it. It doesn’t change the fact that we are each 100% responsible, even if it’s just looking the other way or waiting for someone else to clean it up. It doesn’t work that way.

It doesn’t mean that you threw that garbage in the ocean; that you voted for and continue to support a crooked or selfish politician; it doesn’t mean you are racist. It means – if those are in your reality – you view, your world – that you are 100% responsible for it and need to clean it up.

Q. How do you know and remember so much about life, energy, other dimensions, other lifetimes, etc.?

A. Right? Especially after having had a stroke that affected my memory. Grin

There are three things going on when I work.

1. I often tell those I teach or guide: I am not telling you anything new; I am reminding you of what you’d forgotten.

2. I access what I call the Spiritual Ethernet (I used to call it Spiritual Google, but I’m not sure those two words go together). All information is accessible to everyone. The only things stopping you are: self-induced limitations and/or your soul contract (which might prohibit you from accessing certain information).

3. I have access to your team of guides as well as my team of guides when I work with you. They will often provide me with information to help you – for your highest and best – at the time the information is shared.

So, short answer is: I don’t necessarily retain all that information. I just get it when I need it.

Q. Are you alien?

A. Yes. In a way.

I believe I discussed this before, but will do so again here.

There are humans whose planet of preference is the hard school of knocks called Earth. These beings have kept reincarnating on Earth; they, generally, do not go elsewhere. Let’s label these humans as “Regulars”.

There are also humans whose preferred planet is not Earth, but are here in human form now because they answered a call asking for volunteers to aid in holding Light and energy for Regulars during this intense period of spiritual growth.

These volunteers usually do have some Earth lifetimes under their belt, but no where near the number the Regulars do. Volunteers have at least one Earth lifetime so that they have experience in how to “work” in a physical Earth body.

Volunteers come to Earth (when the call goes out) at pivotal times in humans spiritual growth; perhaps when Earth and its inhabitants are transitioning to a higher frequency. Volunteers come in to offer, and hold, Light and/or energy for those stepping up in their spiritual growth or awareness.

Q. How do I know if I’m one of the Volunteers or if I’m a Regular?

A. I’m pretty sure that for Volunteers, if they didn’t already know, they may have figured it out after reading the last question and answer.

Volunteers have not and do not feel like they belong here on Earth…they just don’t “fit”. They often long for where they do fit in – where they are a Regular – but they just don’t fit here.

When I was a child, I used to sit and cry each night, begging to be brought back home. “I don’t belong here. I made a mistake.” I had homesickness so bad. But no one ever came to bring me back home.

I finally, partially, fit in during my late 20’s; but then I started saying “Those humans…”, “Humans are ….” – in other words, trying to distance myself from the human race.

Then one day I realized, while here, as Jan, I am human and better get over myself as well as get started on what I came here to do. Attitude and perception adjusted – and I found my way as Jan.

Q. What’s my soul purpose?

A. I get asked this one regularly. And the answer is pretty simple:

Be yourself.

Seriously. That’s it. There’s no secret password, ritual or rite, or anything else. Just be you.

Now, it’s fine to experience, learn, explore what life has to offer. It’s also fine to work to better yourself. I consider myself an ongoing project. Don’t get me wrong – I like me, but I also want to see what else is out there. “What can I try now?”, “What can I experience next?”, and “Oh! I want to learn more about that!”

I’ve traveled near and far. Experienced other cultures and environments. I’ve taken courses galore for my chosen profession, but also exploratory courses, such as: Animal Sciences; Law Enforcement; General Social Sciences; ASL 101 and ASL 102 Honors; and Digital Photography to name a few.

I am an explorer and want to touch on what interests me while being here – as myself – Jan.

We each came in with a soul task/purpose and that is part of us; part of our energy field. We do so much work on an energetic level and many are not consciously aware of it, but we are each doing our soul work every day. Your frequency affects everyone you encounter or cross paths with. If you’re in a sour mood, you are spreading that like a wild fire. Same goes if you’re in a neutral or good energy space.

Q. If I’m doing my soul’s work by just being me, why do I feel like something’s missing? Like I should be doing something, but don’t know what it is?

A. Perhaps you’re missing your passion. A passion is something you do that allows your soul to express itself. It can be the arts, writing, photography, wood working, etc. Something that allows your creativity to come out and play. It could also be a career calling such as nursing, therapist, etc. – something in which you can aid others.

How do you find your passion? It’s whatever makes your soul sing. It’s what makes everything disappear while you’re doing it…while you’re creating or expressing. And it can be a fun process to work on discovering your passion if you don’t already know.

I searched for my passion for a good two or three years, only to find that I’d been doing it all along. And it was tied to just being me. My passion is teaching others about the metaphysical, paranormal, spiritual, energies, etc.

Of course I still have other creative outlets for my expression such as occasionally working on some art projects and writing.


We Are the Aliens

By Jan Toomer


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