~ Part One ~

Maneuvering the 4th Dimension, Cont’d

Ascending / Awakening / Shifting

I’ve been asked so many questions about this topic; is also known as ascending, spiritual awakening, shifting to 4th dimension or 5th dimension, so I’d like address it.

What It Is Not

  • It’s not about a location.
  • It is not (normally) an abrupt noticeable change.
  • It does not make one person better than another.
  • It is not limited to humans or Earth beings in general.
  • It is not a one-size-fits-all process.
  • It does not have a time limit.
  • It currently does not look any different physically.

What It Is

  • It is a shift in perception.
  • It is vibration and frequency.
  • It is a gradual rise in vibration and frequency.
  • It happens within each individual, and at that individual’s pace.
  • An ongoing process for all beings, Earth and elsewhere.

Fourth and fifth dimensions look no different on the surface than the 3rd did. You can still see, and interact with (though you may find it increasingly chaffing) with people who currently wish to remain in the third dimension. So what’s the difference?

Perception; how you see your reality. The more one delves into the fourth dimension, the less patience and desire to be around the heavier lower frequencies – like greed, drama, fear, manipulation, victim-mode, etc. — and those who still want to play in it.

Your physical locality hasn’t changed (unless you packed up and moved), but how you view and interact…that’s what changes. It’s a shift to what you want in your reality and what you’ll no longer accept.


Many energy workers, Lightworkers, etc. came to 3D Earth from 6D or higher, so 3rd and 4th dimensions can seem a bit stiff and stifling. This is due to our soul self (which is our true self and true form) remembers what life is when free of physical constraints.

Earth and humans have not been to 4D or 5D while in a physical body. It is said we are being modified to that our physical bodies can comfortably traverse 4th and 5th dimensions. All of this is a first in relationship to physical Earth experiences.

5D is about consciously creating; instant manifestation, consciously creating our individual realities which is one of the things we’re practicing in the 4th dimension.

It’s about not needing restrictive anything. It’s about balance, harmony, sharing, creating and expanding even more.

Some Final Notes

Humans on Earth have never, in conscious history, been where we are now. And guess what? We are literally winging it; we are finding our way as we move forward. That’s why we’re called the “Way – Showers”, the “Path Makers”, etc. As we make our way forward, we are either setting new foundations, or learning what not to do *grin*.

That also means that this guide only contains suggestions as of right now, and that we are each writing our tomorrows today…so we aren’t really sure what comes next on a larger scale. That’s why 4D is the practice level so we can work out how to maneuver this dimension while in a physical body. But it’s really nice to know that we aren’t doing this alone, right? We are in this together.

So nothing here is set in stone, so-to-speak. Why not? Because we are each creators, and I’ve no idea what you are going to create; and you’ve no idea what I’m going to create.

Trust yourself and keep moving forward.

Happy Creating!

By Jan Toomer


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