~ Part One ~

Congrats on reaching Level 4 in the game of Earth! You’ve survived navigating the extremes of duality in the 3rd Dimension. You’ve started your journey of overcoming the societal programming; are remembering that 3rd Dimension is an illusion; and that the physical existence is temporary and not who you really are…rather like playing a role on stage or playing in a video game.

Those of you reading this are: straddling the third and fourth dimensions; in the fourth dimension; or straddling fourth and fifth dimensions. Any of these are perfectly fine for you and your journey.

Also, most light workers, energy workers, etc. have come to Earth in this lifetime from a higher frequency and/or dimension…anywhere from 6th dimension on up; however, this doesn’t make us any better than anyone else.

Mother Earth recently anchored herself (in February 2023) into the 4th dimension, and it is now stable to do your grounding into the 4D Mother Earth.

A How-To Guide for 4th Dimension

In this guide, we’ll discuss what you’ll continue to work on what 4D is about and some suggestions on how to maneuver through the 4th Dimension. We’ll also take a look at Ascending/Awakening/Shifting: what it is and is not; and a sneak peek into the 5th Dimension. Please note that none of this is all inclusive.

Continuing to Work On

Even if you’re partially, mostly or completely in the 4th Dimension, you will continue to work on self.

  1. Healing your past(s). As discussed over the years on this blog, we are healing our past, present and future lifetimes right now. (Though linear time is an illusion; all your lifetimes are running concurrently.
  2. Healing your blood and ancestral lines. Your ancestors’ experiences – positive or negative – can carry down the family line. This can be in a cellular memory as well as energetic ancestral memory.
  3. Accepting responsibility for the entirety of your life. Again, this has been discussed over the years. Your thoughts, words and actions create your reality, and you are responsible for it. If you’re chopping vegetables and someone starts talking to you, distracted, you cut yourself. It is not the other person’s fault; it is not the knife’s fault. It was your doing. Period. No need to be angry about it (anger is a lower vibration and frequency) or berate yourself. I usually say something along the lines of, “”Well, that happened.” I next apologize to my body for cutting it; I send love and healing to the injured part of me. And yes, I wash it and work on it to stop bleeding, or seek medical attention if home care is not sufficient. I’ve accepted responsibility for my actions.
  4. Boundaries. Setting up and maintaining boundaries; what you will and will not accept in your reality. This includes deciding if people with discordant-to-you energy will be allowed to be in your life, or any discordant energies in various expressions.
  5. Trusting Self. We continue to refine listening to ourselves. There may be a learning curve because of being raised by society to listen to others. But, with persistence, and perhaps a bit of trial and error as one learns the art of self-trust, it can be very freeing.

Practice Level – Maneuvering Through Fourth Dimension

Fourth Dimension is a practice level where we practice manifesting. We are learning everything mentioned to prepare us for the Fifth Dimension role of instant manifestation. This means 4D has some safety protocols in place to keep us from manifesting any impulsive, wandering or unchecked thoughts and emotions. Again, this is not all inclusive, and is dependent of your belief system and your soul plan; limiting beliefs may constrict one in some ways.

We’ll experience our manifestations, but they may come with a slight delay (much shorter than 3D manifesting) and some are not necessarily full blown manifestation. The manifestations can speed up as we refine our self-mastery.

On this practice level, we are also working on self on a more personal level – one where we:

  1. Respect Self. Ask yourself what you can do to respect yourself, such as speaking and living your truth; not being a doormat or allowing others to use, misuse, abuse your and/or your talents/skills, etc. Another way – at least for me – is to not lie. Lying is a lower vibration/frequency; when you lie, you lower your energy. I respect myself and don’t want to sully my energy by being deceptive or lie.
  2. Find Peace Within. It’s always been within; we’ve just been trained to seek outside of self, including seeking validation of self from others. Now you create peace within you.
  3. Love Self. Yeah, this may feel like a tough one, but if you’ve achieved respecting self and are working on finding peace within, loving self should be able to slide in there a lot easier.
  4. Reconnect with All External Expressions of Your Soul. In other words, reconnecting with the abilities and skill sets of all of your other soul experience aspects or lifetimes.
  5. Expanded Interaction with Others not of the Earth; Aliens. There are many species from other worlds/dimensions. Right now a lot of interactions are through conscious awareness, indirect exposure, telepathy and/or dreams.
  6. Perfect Acceptance / Allowing. Each individual have an Earthly life encounter has their own individual journey and you and I may have no idea what the next person’s soul plan is and what they want to experience. No judging others’ lives; to allow them the right to their experiences. This doesn’t mean you approve of their choices; it doesn’t mean you have to play in their life and it doesn’t mean to allow others to harm you or those in your care; refer to Boundaries and Respect Self. It does mean that you can accept and love someone and – for your own well-being – not interact with them.

Maneuvering the 4th Dimension

It pretty much boils down to mastering everything mentioned here – and the biggest one, at least to me, is Trusting Self. Once you’ve begun to fine-tune your ability to trust yourself, I feel that everything else may begin to fall into place. Shoot, you might even fall in love with being a human again.

As you work on mastering 4D, you’ll attract more people with like energy. Like attracts like.

Does this mean you’re completely done with the third dimension? Not necessarily. I can’t tell you what your soul plan was and whether or not you intended to continue working with the third dimension to aid others on their journey.

Or you may still be aware of the lower energy and emotions of the 3D level, but that doesn’t mean you have to play the 3D games or in 3d energy. And for most people, the further into 4D they go, the less they want to play in 3D energies; they may find the energy to be chaffing. Get in, do what you need to do, and get out; don’t get sucked back into the 3D energy.

Part Two: Ascending / Awakening / Shifting: What it is and what it is not; 5D

By Jan Toomer


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