I’m still hearing from some people their concerns about all the negativity happening as well as their fears of lack, the fears of unknown, etc.

I understand that the chaos and uncertainty is attempting to be pushed onto and into us and is loud and in our faces.

So let’s look at some possible analogies:

– The yelling entitled person

– The persistent fear-mongering

– The squeaky wheel

The yelling entitled person is someone so full of fear that they try to intimidate and controls others (often fixating on one person). This is (energetic interpretation) due to feeling of not having any control in their lives, or of that someone is having more (more fun, more stuff, better clothes, etc.) than the entitled person (their own perceptions). They are bullies pure and simple.

The persistent fear-mongering from our governments and the media are to maintain the chaos and to create more chaos, all in the name of controlling the masses.

The squeaky wheel is the one who yells the loudest, but is not necessarily the most critical or important at the moment, but everyone listens and tries to appease them to shut them up.

While the bullies, fear-mongers and the squeaky wheels are in-your-face and demanding your attention, the light and positive energy is working hard. But the light is working hard in the background. It doesn’t necessarily have to be loud and in-your-face; it doesn’t have to demand your attention.

And let’s face it, the positive movements, actions, etc. don’t sell newspapers or create fear, so it is no use to those who want to maintain control.

Steve Nobel (The Soul Matrix) recently wrote, “Starseeds are like a virus in this volatile time of ascension.”

He absolutely nailed it! Starseeds (for me, a generalized term – Lightworkers, light-bearers, way showers, etc. since we’re all working towards this goal) are spreading and holding the Light. It, and us, are working twenty-four seven (24/7) to keep the Light going.

More and more people are raising their vibration, reaching for the frequencies that the Lightworkers, Starseeds, etc. are holding. The Light is spreading.

And that is why there is fear-mongering and in-your-face negativity; it’s working so hard to regain its hold on the humans. The negativity is louder, but hasn’t stopped the spread of the Light.

Those who are the creators of pretending lack – or creating lack – know they are in the 3D sinking ship and are scrambling to stay aboard of their ship of control and greed.

All while, Earth is preparing to step into 4th dimension and 5th dimension and letting 3D continue to deteriorate. Earth is releasing 3D.

Please don’t worry. Your soul, Higher Self, and Creator all knew what you were getting into coming to Earth at this time. We each volunteered to come onto Earth, as humans, to be the change from the inside out. We each may not remember exactly why we are here, but our soul and Higher Self certainly knows. I’m not saying it’ll be a cakewalk, but I do feel that you and I should continue moving forward.

How Do I Know If I’m Holding the Light and/or If I’m Doing My Soul’s Purpose/Work?

1. If you’re reading this, chances are very high that you’re doing your soul’s work already.

2. If you and your life are chaotic, it may be because you’ve gone off track and your Higher Self and Team are trying to aid and guide you back onto your track.

3. Be still and know. If you’ve been doing your work on trusting self over these last few years, then I recommend you be still and listen to you.

What is “Holding the Light”?

Side note: I find it a bit ironic that all physical colors combined makes black (not really black, more like an ugly mucky color, but for this purpose, we’ll call it black); and combing light colors makes white light.

We are each light beings first and humans second. And within each of us – to include animals, plants, and rocks…all of Earth’s inhabitants) is our soul light.

Soul lights vary in frequencies; the higher the frequency (positive) the brighter and bigger the light. Each soul’s light (or frequency) is maintained so that those with lower frequencies (not necessarily negative) have an example to aim for; a higher frequency to reach for. Each time we each step up our frequency, there’s always someone who reaches to attain that frequency as well.

As we each individually grow spiritually (which is less “growing” and more of remembering we are light beings), we emit a frequency or brighter light. And it spreads like a virus – replacing the darkness with light and chasing the shadows away.

By not playing the 3D Earth games, you can hold your frequency and not be pulled back into the 3D heaviness or frequencies.

I guess the shorter answer is – by being you. That’s how you hold the light. Continue to be yourself, which includes being true to yourself. The more your Light grows, the more is spreads.

Shine on!

Steve Nobel – The Soul Matrix — https://thesoulmatrix.com/



By Jan Toomer


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