Haunted by Your Fears

Over the past few weeks I have heard from others about their anxiety climbing. They are worried and uncertain about all the strife they are reading, hearing about, feeling and/or seeing locally and globally. Others are also feeling something building…preparing to...

Graceful Ongoing Dance

Some people are once again finding themselves alone; friends pulling away or moving away; or some of you are pulling away from your own friends. A lot of lightworkers/energy workers see this pattern again and again in their lives. It’s okay. Well, not really – it kind...

Leave the Rote Behind

As many have discovered, our thoughts and words do create, whether our thoughts or words are flippant or cursory or detailed or passionate. The more engaged we are in our words and thoughts, the more powerful and meaningful the manifestation. Prayer is a form of...

We Are Here

The pull to write was very strong…but as I sat to write, nothing popped into my head. Usually the pull to write is followed by a concept, idea, experience, observation, etc. that my team brings to my attention to write about. And here I sat…nothing. I got up and got...

Do I Love You?

As I get through my day, I work hard to remember to say “Thank You” and “You’re Welcome” and mean it…not saying it superficially. A few years back, when having finished some energy work, and still in that energy-mode, I was saying farewell to a group of people when...
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