I Can Feel the Darkness

Some Lightworkers, energy workers, etc. have been feeling uncomfortable for a while now. We have – in a previous post – talked about how some workers are having problems trusting people because of their words and/or actions are not the same as their energy and...

There I Am!

by Jan Toomer Who Are You? I don’t mean, for example, Jan the metaphysician/ the wife/ the energy worker / the mother / the friend, etc. I mean the essence, the soul, the energy that has been, in this lifetime, named Jan. At this time you need to know your energy,...

The Source, Part II

Part II (Part I) What is the Source? A wonderful person asked this question. I have no definitive answer for anyone. I can tell you my interpretation, but please be aware that physical word descriptions are very inadequate to describe the Source. The main Source:...

The Source, Part I

Part One As a child, I was confused by many Sunday school lessons. One such lesson taught us that God (the Source) made us in His image. I looked around the room and concluded, “No way!” Everyone looked, acted, and felt different; everyone’s thoughts and energies were...
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