Living in the haze of uncertainty seems to be a popular theme again. Some people are feeling a bit like floating in limbo – stuck in an in-between space, not sure where to turn. Why is this happening?

Energetically, we are working on:

1. Restructuring the physical world and learning new, healthier ways.
2. Turning inward and learning to know your own energy. What’s yours and what’s someone else’s.
3. Trusting self over anyone or anything else. Please read that again and give it some thought.

Pre-Covid, the Other Side had really pushed for us to listen and trust ourselves. This was because of the constant and unreliable barrage of conflicting information coming at us everyday from multiple directions and sources.

Listening to self and trusting self was part of human’s survival techniques before we became “civilized”. It is an innate part of us that we have squelched; suppressed by being trained to listen to everyone but ourselves.

How are we supposed to learn to listen and trust ourselves when not listening and trusting self had been programmed from birth on? We have to release that old programming and start a new one by practicing and being mindful.

Listening in to the quiet voice (not the monkey mind) and hearing what you are saying to you starts with being consciously present with your inner self. I recommend starting with Shielding, followed my meditation. Meditation is a good way to can begin. Please note: Anything you “hear” that is aggressive, talks about harming you or others, or has an angry feeling is not your quiet inner voice. If you are hearing this after shielding, please seek a mental health professional or see your doctor.

Working on learning your own energy and learning to trust yourself can also help you to begin to consciously tune in to your team. And with this learning, you may find that the haze of uncertainty begins to dissipate.


Energy Update – February 9, 2020

Blindly Follow

Bucket O’Fear

Undercurrents of Uncertainty

by Jan Toomer


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