I’ve written before on how we’re working on clearing up, healing and releasing our pasts. I’ve touched briefly on clearing up, healing and releasing the past of our country.

I’ve been asked to elaborate on the clearing, healing and releasing the past of the United States of America. What are parts of the past that need healing? The following is my interpretation and view of the energy.

The energy of the United States begs to be healed and released. The more its requests are ignored, the more the imbalances pile up. One way this is presenting is by bringing that unhealed past into our now. Because it’s a country that needs healing, a lot is focused on our government – but make no mistake – it’s the people of the U.S. that are allowing the imbalances remain and grow.

This is in no way a complete list and is generalized. This lists some of the past issues that are “now” issues needing our attention.

  • Creating fear and/or using fear to remove more rights and to make the people compliant to being confined (or denied entry) or other rights being violated.
  • Desecration of Native American lands and denied the right to clean water.
  • Under educating children – through no fault of the in classroom educators — to have the children ignorant of the rights of citizens and what is moral; programming them to be subservient.
  • World War II Hitler’s turning cultures against one another. Undermining, denying or removing rights. Book “burnings” (banning).
  • Racism heightened and once again encouraged, and growing public acceptance of neo-nazism.
  • Hinting, or outright promoting, women be treated as possessions or force them back into the 1950’s gender roles.
  • Beginning steps to remove the middle class – leaving only rich and the severely indebted. Some ways of accomplishing this is heavy taxation and other financial “requirements”, such as mandated and uncontrolled exuberant health insurance fees.
  • Salem witch hunts (as one example) resurrected in Red Flag Law.
  • Encouraging apathy refers back to keeping people downtrodden as to not fight for their rights.
  • Suppression into compliance. We saw this as far back as the United States breaking from England.

Again, this is a generalized and partial list. Not everyone in our government is working against the people. Not every person is apathetic. But the problem is real and growing, folks. It may not directly affect you at this moment, but it will.

It takes all of us to not only stand for our rights, but to heal the past before we find ourselves in serfdom or slavery to our government or facing the Middle Ages again.

Refuse to live in fear. Instead holding light, compassion, hope, and love for all is key.



by Jan Toomer


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