A folded newspaper with part of a headline with the word Truth highlightedWhat is truth? And who defines what truth is? Aristotle had a lot to say about truth and falsity.

“To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true”. ~ Aristotle, Metaphysics

“…being true or false depends on a combination and separation in judgement.” ~ Aristotle, Metaphysics Book VI, c.4 1027 b 20

“As there are in the mind thoughts which do not involve truth or falsity, and also those which must be either true or false, so it is in speech. For truth and falsity imply combination and separation”. ~ Aristotle, De interpretatione, c.1

To me, it sounds like Aristotle was big on truth.

So what is truth?

Well, Dictionary.com says: “the quality or being true, genuine, actual, or factual…something that is true as opposed to false.”

Merriam-Webster.com defined metaphysical truth as: “…the truth of ultimate reality as partly or wholly transcendent of perceived actuality and experience.”

Hmmm…still not answering the question. So now, how about we venture into my world and view on truths?

Force Fed “Truths”

Yep, we’ve been force fed truths in accordance with cultural, societal, religious, and perhaps familial beliefs. We were given a basis, a foundation as to what others gauge as truth.

For example: we have been given a truth that our sky is blue (or grey or brown, depending on where you live). Okay, but who determined what blue is? And what and when did the social consensus agree to a standardized definition of blue?

Granted it does make verbal and written communication easier.

So by a societal agreement the truth is that the sky is blue.

So someone, somewhere and some when created, held and passed on a standardized set of beliefs to be “truths”. These are laws or rules to keep society under control and following the same playbook as it were; for structure.

But, if that’s the case, why do we have so many different truths across religious belief systems? Cultural beliefs? Law systems? But I digress. Back to truth.

Individual Truths

I hold that our individual truths change and grow and we physically, spiritually and /or energetically change and grow. One example I like to use is: What’s your shoe size? A U.S. size 7 wide? Then that’s your truth. I’m an U.S. size 8.5, so that’s my truth. However, this hasn’t always been my (or even your) truth – it changed and grew as I changed and grew. At some point, long ago, my truth as a size 4 Toddler, but that truth no longer fits me…literally.

There are also truths that were “gifted” me that I no longer hold as truth, such as the negative labels bestowed upon me as I was growing up. They used to be my truth because I didn’t know better; but I learned otherwise.

Our True Selves

Our true selves – not the physical aspect of self, rather the soul; the non-physical self – doesn’t need this societal construct of standardization of…well, anything.

Without our physical, there is nothing but truth. No deception, no twisting of information. It is just love and truth.

Years Ago

I once overheard my youngest child tell a friend, “My mother always knows when someone is lying, and she doesn’t care. She never does anything.” She was right, and she was incorrect.

As side note: I usually know when someone’s lying because the energy of the person lying warps, lowers and – to me – is nauseating; it turns my stomach.

Even if you don’t respect the person you’re talking to, lying to someone is being disrespectful to self if you knowingly or ignorantly speak falsehoods (aka lie). It taints one’s energies.

When I was younger, I fought to prove that the person was lying. I wanted the truth to come out! But, by the time my youngest said that to her friend, I had begun learning respect. I respected myself enough to not engage in someone else’s lying (unless it could cause them or someone else harm).

Bigger Arena

In the bigger areas of our lives, such as some of our government leaders, I know a lie when I hear it. But, I’ve learned by observing visually and energetically, those who have access to massive money and power behind them – for now – financially, emotionally, and/or physically went on to destroy those who sought to expose the lies. That doesn’t mean we stop trying, though.

The truth will be known
The truth will be shown

And for the leaders and/or representatives anywhere that lie, what does that say about their own self-respect, not to mention the respect they have for their people?

Laughing At Myself

So I wrote, “…it sounds like Aristotle was big on truth.” As I came closer to finishing this article, I searched my website for related articles, and then laughed. Apparently I’m big on truth as well. Below are some related articles.


Speak Your Truth

How Many Times Do We Turn Our Other Cheek?

The Truth is Working to Be Freed

News and Views –September 15, 2014

Let the Truth Be Shown

Your Meta Questions – March 2017

News & Views – January 7, 2019


Do You Respect Yourself?

by Jan Toomer


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