I wrote an article. I didn’t like it. I wrote another and didn’t like it either. This means I missed my own beginning of the week deadline and decided to skip this (past) week.

I wrote a short poem, and it just sits on my desk.

I couldn’t figure out what the deal was. Am I at the “same story – different day” stage? I mulled it over. Nope, that’s not it. I’ve so much bouncing around in my brain, but it doesn’t seem to want to settle on one topic.

Frustrated, I sat with my Team and asked why I couldn’t seem to pick one topic. From that conversation, I came to the conclusion that I was just over-thinking things, thus making everything more complicated that it really should be.

My Team asked me, “If you’re having all this going on in your head, what makes you think others aren’t experiencing the same thing?” I love my Team.

So this article is a bit of this and a bit of that.

Ability Hyper-Sensitivity

I’ve recently been delving into more uses for essential oils and also trying to decide which herbs and veggies I’d like to plant this year.

I’ve also been working on the electrical/energetic aspects of our 4th and 5th dimensional bodies and how the physical body is working on – through energetic downloads – preparing for a lighter, completely unattached to the third dimensional existence.

With these updates / downloads, my “clair’s” have become even more sensitive. Clairaudience (ability to hear beyond the physical) has my ears ringing (different pitch than with the energy downloads / updates) and whooshing. These are both indicators* that my clairaudience is turned up way too high now due to being more sensitive now. I have to keep visualizing a knob for my clairaudience to turn the volume / strength down.

The knob technique can be used to help with any of your abilities or “clairs” have amped up too much. Just dial it back.

Manifesting 2.0

Because we are raising our vibration / frequency, manifesting takes a lot less effort and time. This is why our Teams had been recommending – for years – for us to pay attention to our own words, actions and thoughts…because they are literally manifesting. In fact, our thoughts, words and actions are so powerful that they will manifest / be created whether we meant to or not.

But this may create another dilemma…which thoughts, words or actions do we WANT to manifest? So many choices; so many possibilities.

Mother Earth

Ring of Fire earthquakes, solar flares, coronal mass ejections (CMEs), pole shift…ugh! So much! Why?

Mother Earth is raising her vibration / frequency with the intent to break free of the 3rd Dimension as well.

Earthquakes are one way Mother Earth moves and adjusts – that is outside of the earthquakes that were triggered by human actions (such as fracking, etc.).

The solar flares and coronal mass ejections are felt by Mother Earth and her inhabitants. These incoming energies are to support Mother Earth and all of us in boosting our energy so we can increase our frequencies (as per our individual soul plans – some souls wish to stick with the 3rd Dimension and ride it out until the ride ends).

The poles are shifting because it’s time. We can’t dictate what cycles the Earth will go through…but we can be thankful that it’s shifting gradually instead of one quick flip.


Yep, I mean the non-human being who reside on, in and off Earth.

If you’ve noticed over the years, space ship sightings have increased tremendously. Yes, some are the reversed engineered vehicles of our government’s experiments, but the majority of the space ships are not human made.

As we raise our frequency, we’re able to reach a level of acceptance about the Aliens (and in some cases, inner-Earth beings). As been stated before (though I don’t remember who said it first – and I’m paraphrasing): It’s awful ignorant of us to think we (humans) are the only life around.

Anyway, over the last few months, the more positive energy non-human beings, aka aliens, are working to have more direct contact with the people. The majority of Lightworkers, energy workers, energy healers, etc. are from elsewhere and opted or volunteered to have an Earth life experience now…usually for more than one reason. But, one of the big reasons is to aid in uplifting and holding the energy frequency of not only Mother Earth, but for the human-kind who wish to raise their energy as well.

As the Lightworkers, energy healers, etc. raise their frequencies, the so-called Aliens are reaching out to re-connect with their peeps (us) who took the plunge and come to Earth as a human to work from within the system; they are reconnecting and offering support for the uplifting work we’re doing here. I personally find this to be exciting and comforting.

There you have it. I’ve shared just a few of the myriad of topics bouncing around in my head – but I hope some of it spoke to you.


* Baring any medical issues.



By Jan Toomer


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