In one of my cerebral days I connected to my team and asked, “What will happen to those who have had the currents shots and those who have not?” I was not, and am not, looking for blaming or shaming anyone for their decisions.

The answer I received was, “Each individual has made a choice.”

I asked again, and received the same answer.

I let it set for a few days and then asked for clarification.

“The lessons coming to Earth – heavily since 2012/2013 – were, and are for each individual to accept responsibility for their own thoughts, action and words; and to trust and listen to self.

“Each person has made a decision (even undecided is a decision).”

I half jokingly said, “I wonder how many people feel abandoned, especially through the last year?”

“We have not abandoned those of you on Earth. But we cannot directly interfere with the decisions you each make. We have been offering guidance through dreams and inspiration. Also through your writings as well as through every other messenger on Earth, to help the people of Earth grow, expand, and – again – to begin accepting responsibility for self…all of self.

“This includes decisions made to accept and/or act upon division, elitism, separation and living in or with fear. We’d rather you all didn’t, but you have free will and will live with your decisions.

“You are each here to learn and grow, and learn how to grow together. We work on the Other Side to support you and your decisions on anything. We’ve never left; you are not abandoned.”

I know I’ve written a lot about accepting responsibility; and trusting and listening to self over the years, and that is why. Some people may intellectually understand that we’re to accept responsibility for our outward and inward words, actions and thoughts, but may not have put it into practice. It’s a hard habit to break.

So, whatever decision we make about anything, we will each live with our own life’s decisions and our teams of guides stand with us.


Dark Side of Self

The Yin Yang

The Past is Here, Now

See Behind the Illusion

Not One Size Fits All

It’s Not Your Fault

Individualism versus ONE

By Jan Toomer


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