Why have I been writing so much about abuse, civil and human rights, narcissism and self doubt? Because we are working on healing and releasing the past, both for ourselves and Earth. Not only are we supposed to be working on that, but we are also working on bringing peace and balance to our whole self. This means no more ignoring the dark side of self.

Now this doesn’t mean feeding the negative or dark side of self, but it does mean acknowledging that part of yourself.

We live on the physical planet of Earth. Three Dimensional Earth is the hard school or knocks. Earth is the planet of duality: yin yang; negative positive; dark light; fear love.

In these unprecedented times, all of the negative traits of being human are in our faces. Why? So we can see it and begin healing it. That’s one heck of a giant mirror showing us the ugliest parts of self. It’s scary because, deep down, many know that we may be capable of some negative actions ourselves. Again, it doesn’t mean we act on our negative side. One friend jokingly said, “The monster is locked up and not allowed out”.

But ignoring that part of us isn’t helping us either, and it’s no longer an option to ignore it.

Do we ignore it because it scares us? Are we scared of that part of us because somewhere deep inside of us, we know that our pre-human self didn’t have the dark side? Are we afraid that talking about it or acknowledging we have a dark side that it will overtake us? Or are we afraid of being judged or shunned if we talk about it?

Each one of us can say that we’ve had some pretty dark thoughts over our lifetime. Most of us can say we hadn’t acted on those – albeit sometimes brief – darker thoughts. Not many will openly talk about their darker thoughts and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. But, many will deny outwardly that they have those darker thoughts; they deny that part of themselves.

Every person wants to be heard and acknowledged. That includes the other part of yourself. Again, not saying saying act or feed your darker side. What about letting it know that you heard its opinions or thoughts? For example, internal dialogue after having a dark or negative thought could be followed with you saying to yourself, “Wow, that was a dark thought,” and releasing it. You validated that part of you and the thoughts and then perhaps it is free to go away.

But please note: if that darker internal dialoguing becomes overwhelming, or wants you to harm yourself or others, please seek immediate professional help.

Isn’t being a Lightworker (or whatever term you use) mean you don’t have dark thoughts? That the Lightworker has ascended the negative aspects or darker aspects?

Well, as far as I know, that’s right up there with myth that Lightworkers are all lovey, happy, have a smooth life path, rainbows and unicorns things. Nope. Lightworkers have crappy days, cranky or dark thoughts, bumps in the road, and don’t see rainbows and unicorns all the time. We are in human bodies, too. That means even Lightworkers are living a human life.

But it does mean that many Lightworkers are working on accepting every aspect of self; taking responsibility for self and the words, action and thoughts of self. It is an easy concept to understand; but a bit harder to implement. But not impossible by any stretch.

Maybe it’s time for each of us to explore why we locked that part of self away. And it’s okay to ask for help.



By Jan Toomer


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