When we push, we are working from a place of fear.

  • I’ll be too late
  • Others will get ‘there’ first
  • I’ll be left behind
  • Others are ‘ascending’ faster than me

There are also those who are trying so hard to create, manifest, or amp up their abilities.

My advice? Don’t try so hard.

When you move into fear (lack, being left behind, etc.), you block yourself.

Go With the Flow

What does that even mean?

Have you ever watched a creek flowing? It has lots of obstacles, but, unless it has been dammed, it will continue to flow. It doesn’t fight against the rocks, it glides around it…it flows.

It’s No Mystery or Secret

Spiritual growth, ascending or whatever term you use, doesn’t require a mystery school, secret rituals, or special words to say. It doesn’t require intense concentration. Instead, it flows.

Did you know that you’ve been creating and manifesting your whole life, with a catch? A lot of people had been doing it without conscious thought. Every day, you made decisions that shaped – or created – your next day, for better or worse.

If you constantly put out negative thoughts, actions and/or words, the Universe received your output and offered you more of the same. If you accepted the negativity, you probably stayed in the victim-mode…where everything was done to you.

If you constantly put out positive thoughts, actions and/or words, the Universe received your output and offered you more of the same.

Life Isn’t Always Free-Flowing

Life can bring learning opportunities, and you can receive those with negativity or positivity; it doesn’t mean you like the life challenge, but it does mean you don’t have to let it drag you down.

When we fight against something (energy creation-wise) it can remain for a long time. But if we flow…yes, we encounter obstacles, but we can flow with it instead of continuously banging against it; fighting it.

Manifesting and creating are something that we can consciously do in the flow. By realizing it’s you and how you act (instead of react) to life, you are making a conscious choice to go with the flow with your creations.

However, playing victim; not taking responsibility for your actions, thoughts and words; reacting (giving away your power or energy) instead of acting (making a conscious choice to not play in the drama, give away your power or moving into fear), dam up your flow and inhibit your manifesting and creating.


  • Don’t try so hard
  • Don’t react. I suggest you take a deep breath, take a moment and decide if you’ll respond or act on the situation, and whether or not you’ll allow yourself to become drawn into the drama or fear mode.
  • You are now (if you hadn’t already) consciously aware that you are – and have been – creating your tomorrows and your reality every day.


In Love or In Fear

Where Are You On The Scale?

The Next Step

Individualism versus ONE

It Shouldn’t Be This Hard

By Jan Toomer


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