Where are you on a scale of zero percent up to one hundred percent? The responsibility scale can be applied to an individual / self, and groups or organizations, businesses, your local town, city, state governments, federal government.

This is based on my energetic observations and interpretations and is very generalized. This scale is for visualization only – it is not to scale, it is an approximation and not set in stone.

I’m talking about accepting responsibility for your reality.

0% – Victim-mode. Thrives on drama. If life is too calm, will create drama; this is done to re-emphasize that they are a victim. Is great at trying to draw others into their dramatic play, also known as manipulating. “Happiness” is dependent on being in the spotlight as a victim and/or stirring others up.

In victim-mode, the “victim” is giving away their power to others. This is necessary to maintain the role of being a victim. “Suzy Q wronged me”, “They won’t let/allow me to____”, “My boss did ____ to me”, etc.

They want to whine about the grave injustices done TO them. They want others to get worked up – to fear; to dance to the drama game; to play in the victim-mode sandbox.

They don’t want your suggestions or help – they just want to whine and they want your sympathy for what was done TO them. The Blame Game.

50% -Possibly getting the feeling that there’s more than being in the constant stress of being a victim. They may be getting tired of the Blame Game, but maybe not too sure how to move out of it.

75% – The victim-mode is no longer appealing, nor is listening to someone else in the victim-mode. They may be actively seeking – searching for how to move beyond that energy and how to strengthen their resolve as to not get back into the Game.

The searching can be a conscious decision, or driven by the sub conscious and/or energetic self.

Distancing from those playing the victims – if it hadn’t already happened – will happen, and/or victims don’t want you in their life anymore since you won’t play their game.

90% – Doesn’t allow the drama to enter their energy; doesn’t react. But, they also understand that if someone else wants to continue playing in the victim-mode, the 90%’ers allows them their right to play in it without getting drawn back into it with the “victim”. They observe, not participate.

They may have come to the realization that nothing was done TO them – rather, they were presented with learning opportunities…what can I learn from this experience? What silver lining can I take away from this? Maybe even as far as the incident was done FOR them to help them grow spiritually.

It is also an opportunity for the Universe / energies to ask if you’d like to play in the victim-mode sandbox again or move forward to accepting responsibility for your decisions. This is done by how one reacts vs acts. Reacting is usually the victim energy. Action/acting is taking action in reference to that experience and grow from it – and perhaps aid others with the new experience knowledge gained.

By this time, the 90%’ers will probably have some supporting like-minded, like-energied people in their reality.

100% – I don’t feel like I’m at 100% yet (perhaps really close?) – but at 100%, one accepts responsibility for ALL of their reality. Every. Single. Aspect. Of. Their. Reality.

Yeah – heavy stuff – yet very freeing from the 3D energy of duality, separatism, etc.

To me, 100% represents getting back to our True Self – the self before we went back into this 3D Game. The Divine Self.

It is the realization that, even though we are ONE, we have created individualization to have different experiences and achieve, as per each soul plan, soul growth in 3D energy. There is no judging where others are in this scale; no judging where anyone else is on their soul journey. Being consciously active in one’s own creation; own reality.

We set a pretty high bar for ourselves – but I believe totally doable.

So, Where Are You On The Scale?

Again, this is generalized and loosely based on my interpretation of the energies observed.

So, where are you on the scale? Are you ready to step it up?


Your Meta Questions – Nov. 7, 2021

Membership Renewal Time?

Psychic Attacks – Part Three

One Bad Apple

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By Jan Toomer


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